:::Renaissance Sampler:::

We had many brilliant and beautiful arches this past week! 🙂 awesome work ladies!!!


Our hostess this week is Tami Roth who has selected the theme of “Renaissance” as our challenge this week. Isn’t her arch just beautiful!? What do you think of when the word “Renaissance” comes to mind? We want to see it here this week in gothic form!

About our hostess:

Renaissance marks the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the Modern world. It represents a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries. Early Renaissance, mostly in Italy, bridges the art period during the fifteenth century, between the Middle Ages and the High Renaissance in Italy. It is generally known that Renaissance matured in Northen Europe later, in 16th century.

The term renaissance means rebirth and is used to mark an era of broad cultural achievement as a result of renewed interest in the classical art and ideas of Ancient Greece and Rome. The main idea of rebirth lies at the belief that through the study of the intellectual and artistic treasures of the Greco-Roman antiquity, inspired by Humanism, can be reached the artistic greatness, wisdom and enlightenment.

Thank you, Nancy, for the opportunity to be hostess for the gothic arch challenge this week! I chose this theme because of my love for the art and images from that time. “Venus” by Sandro Botticelli is probably my most favorite painting. I think of Botticelli, daVinci, Michelangelo, Vermeer, etc. I love the colors the artists used-so deep and rich. Renaissance means “rebirth” but can have so many meanings to different people that I hope everyone can go with their first instinct of what this means for them and have fun with it!

You may see more of Tami’s beautiful work here:
Tami Roth Picture Trail