:::Viva la France Sampler:::

Gorgeous work this past week! Wonderful tributes to France! thanks for playing!

Viva la France

Our theme this week is “Viva la France” which was selected by our hostess Frieda Oxenham. Frieda made this beautiful arch for our challenge this week. We want to see your celebration of all things French in gothic arch form.

A bit about our hostess:

I’m an award winning quilt artist whose work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally and has won many prizes;. I’ve also become known for my ATCs and mixed media work, winning Best of Show for my Enduring, Unending ATC in the House of Cards exhition, Columbus, Ohio, 2005. My mixed media work has been published in Somerset Studio, Somerset Gallery and Sew Somerset . I also work for Alphastamps as part of their Design Team. From ATCs I’m progressed to Inchies, Itty Bitties and now Gothic Arches, which are becoming a real obsession for me!

The theme this week is Vive la France. I have an abiding love for France and the French language. France was the first country in Europe to draw up a Human Rights Declaration in 1789 during the French Revolution, based partly on the American one. It had a huge influence on human rights in the rest of Europe as well. The first line is part of my arch and translated reads: Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Notice however that women are not yet mentioned despite the fact that they played their part during the Revolution too, which is why I have featured a woman on my arch!

You may see more of Frieda’s beautiful work on her blog: