
This weeks theme is “Cats” and we want to see what makes your furry feline friend so special?
Cats love to pounce, purr, snuggle, and meow. Maybe you invision three little kittens, cats sleeping in a favorite chair, or prowling on an outdoor fence…whatever the vision may be…we want to see it here in Gothic Arch form.

A bit about our hostess:

I have always loved cats. There are two in my household…Baxter an overly affectionate black/white male and Sophie Lou the shy calico. Each has such a unique personaility but they each add so much to my home. Baxter adores my boxer dog Hailey and they will snuggle together, take naps, and wash each other – not often seen with a dog and cat. I would love to see your precious art using our furry friends!

You can see more of Nancy’s artwork on her blog:


47 Responses

  1. here is my arch for this weeks challenge:


    I can’t wait to see what others make for the theme!


  2. Here is my arch for this great Theme.

    Thanks for looking.


  3. Here is my entry.


    Have a nice day!

  4. Mine’s on my blog
    Thanks for looking

  5. Whoohoo! Great theme! Here’s my challenge piece!

  6. Great theme for cat lovers everywhere. Here’s my entry:


  7. There are a lot of great submissions! I took a different angle on the theme. Mine is a “cat” fish.

    check it out: http://www.collagediva.com/Site/Kathryns_Blog/Entries/2008/7/13_Gothic_Arch%3A_catfish.html

    I also link to a very cool cheshire cat from one amazing illustrator. Come by and see!

  8. My entry is on my blog .

  9. Thanks so much for a very challenging topic. Here is my contribution.

  10. Please click on my name above to view the gothic arch challenge….cats. Thanks for looking. Enjoy your week!

  11. Such a fun challenge and thank you for looking:

    Mrs Tabby and the Kitties

  12. My Gothic Arch is in this card.

  13. Ok .. I had to play again this week! You know this could become addictive!http://inkastamps.blogspot.com/

  14. My kitty is on my blog, Thank you.

  15. Here is mine!

  16. Mine is on my Blog


    Thanks for looking

  17. My cats are here!

  18. i have two great cats they can be seen on my blog-a little calico and a HUGE orange tabby-26lbs of cat~ i’d have more if i could but then i would become the crazy cat lady on my street 🙂
    enjoy your day….

  19. whoops forgot to add my blog addy~
    thanks 🙂

  20. I’m not really a cat fan, but I love this challenge – here is my GA for this week:



  21. ha! I lost my creation and discovered last night while cleaning! Here’s my take

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